Garage Door Mechanism Options

You have a lot of choices when it comes to selecting the right garage door for your home. Unfortunately, many people might think there are too many choices to make when picking a new or replacement garage door. With all of the different options available, choosing the right garage door can seem like a very difficult task.

One of the most important choices that you need to make when selecting a garage door is the type of opening and closing mechanism that it will use. Don’t underestimate how important it is to choose the right type of garage door mechanism. Making the wrong choice can cut into your overall garage space or even make it difficult to use your garage door.

The most common type of garage door mechanism is the sectional door. Also known as roll-up doors, sectional doors are made up of multiple horizontal panels that are connected with hinges and put onto rollers. Sectional doors are extremely space saving because they roll up and into the garage. This can add both space inside the garage along with along the sides of the garage door opening. Weather stripping can easily be applied to a sectional door to protect against wind and rain, making it a solid choice for garages that are directly attached to homes.

Another popular choice for residential garage doors is one-piece doors that are made from a single piece of material. These types of garage doors are more affordable than sectional doors, but will tilt out of the garage when opening and closing. They also will usually require more interior storage space.

Post provided by Eto Doors. Eto Doors has a wide range of garage doors along with interior and exterior home doors. See them and read informative Eto Doors reviews at