5 Things to Do Before you Get Solar

Article Submitted by Top Solar Energy Companies

It’s common knowledge that solar power has many benefits for the user in comparison to fossil fuels at both individual and collective levels.

For the most part, reduced costs in electricity bills as well as protection from the annual increase in energy costs are immediate advantages but before you think about solar installations, here are five things that you should do before you get solar:


#1: Reduce energy consumption

Reducing energy consumption in whatever way you can help serve in the long run when you are using solar energy because solar energy isn’t exactly cheap but will be after a few years.

#2: Get a professional home energy audit done

Another way by which you can save consumption is by ensuring that your home is well-insulated. A professional home energy audit before solar installation can help you with that, and in fact, can get you a solar tax rebate in the process.

#3: Read your electricity bill down to the last detail

Knowing how you are charged for the energy you consume is probably one of the simplest tasks but not many people are aware of this. If you understand how you are being charged, this will also contribute to a reduced electricity bill.

#4: Check the roof

Before a solar installation, it is important to check whether your roof gets maximum sun between 9 AM and 3 PM. Another less important factor is whether the roof will allow a southern exposure for installation.

#5: Do you have enough money for solar?

It all depends on your finances. While there are programs that make it easier, it won’t be wise to invest if you’re going to sink into further debt.