Three Improvements You can Make to a Bed for Better Sleep

If you’re struggling to get a good night’s worth of sleep, then the bed could be your problem. You first need to make sure your sleeping in the proper environment:

  • Lower temperature at night and use warmer blankets if you get cold.
  • Humidifiers can help, especially with those who have bad sinuses. Good humidifiers have built in white noise machines.
  • Block out sunlight, street lights and anything else keeping the room lit. The space should be completely dark.

Once you’ve gotten through these basics, move on to the bed.


Buy Natural Latex

A natural latex mattress from Canada isn’t just cost effective. Natural latex will last longer over time than the standard spring mattress, and it isn’t doused in chemicals that can harm your breathing while you sleep. Natural latex won’t get lumpy, and it will last longer without ripping or tearing.

Upgrading your mattress is the best way to ensure you’re getting a comfortable night of sleep, and a natural latex mattress can be ordered based on comfort too. Higher density foam mattresses will compress when weight is placed on them. Memory foam also reacts to heat, which is how it contours to the body. Using these parameters for comfort, you should be able to find a mattress that will give you the support you need.

Add a Topper

A natural latex mattress topper can help improve the comfort level of the average spring mattress, and it’s usually a fraction of the cost of a full mattress. The one downside is that it might add significant height to the bed. For some people, that means a new set of fitted sheets.

A topper is a good idea if you or your spouse isn’t sleeping comfortably. It’s also a great idea for children who want to leave for college. A mattress topper can provide some comfort beyond whatever the dorm room bed can do, and it can be stored easily for moving purposes.

Get a Solid Box Spring

A solid box spring won’t creak as you enter or exit the bed, and will provide a firm surface for the mattress to rest upon. If you don’t want to use a box spring, you can opt for a frame that has a wood base installed. You need that firm surface, because it provides added support to the back. Without it, your bed would sag. That feels comfortable at first, but it will put undue stress on the spine.
The Foam Factory, Inc. Is a manufacturer of foam products, including natural latex foam used for bedding or packaging.